Simple Reality It is common for many innovators to become so caught-up in their idea, that they forget to do (or avoid doing) some simple due diligence around the revenue realities they will face. The Question What are the Simple Revenue Realities your business faces as you work to monetize the value you create? ( aka: How realistic are your revenue goals? ) The Answer Here is a simple tool to help you efficiently think through some of the very basic considerations that will ultimately determine your revenue outcomes. Let's Get Started Grab a coffee, side-step any distractions (make it a priority) and ...
Bonus We have also made it easy to think through Acquisition Scenarios (revenue production) on the Quick Funnel Projections tab. Success Story, aka: Example A smart founding team developed a break-through in applying Artificial Intelligence to help auto dealers generate more revenue from first-time car buyers, post the initial sale.
Why Stop There ... With the above in mind, they next want to get a sense of the realities around their customer acquisition efforts ... so they used the Quick Funnel Projections tab. They carefully noted that achieving 10% Prospect-to-Lead conversion rate, compared to a 20% conversion rate (a 50% reduction) ... would require they increase their Opportunity-Win-Rate by 100% (from 25% to 50%) in order to still hit their revenue production goal. This highlighted the critical-importance of truly understanding their target customers and effectively communicating their (real) value advantages. In either scenario, successfully increasing performance at each stage of the funnel ... contributes significant improvements to top-line revenue production. How Does the (your) Story End ? Well the story isn't over. In part, because of the clarity that resulted from using this simple tool, they exceeded their 12-month revenue goal. The added clarity increased their confidence and as a result ... they were intentional with their priorities and consistently fine-tuned their approach along the way.
How will your story end? Perhaps better and more optimistically stated ... How will you write the next Chapter in your story? Using this simple tool will help you ... or perhaps someone you know. Simply download the Excel worksheet, ( or open as a Google sheet ). Comments are closed.